Does your Club need Behaviour In Sport?

The Coaches and the Clubs that we work with are obviously the experts in their field (the sport), but less so when it comes to understanding young people with Challenging Behaviour. There are a number of potential pitfalls for clubs and individual coaches alike.

A Number of Issues

Firstly, there is the issue of a young person being injured during a coaching session and the child’s parents believing that the coach was either negligent, or worse, that their child was injured due to the actions of the coach and subsequently seeks to sue for damages. What_Where_Why

The second issue for clubs to be aware of, is the potential for a coach to become injured due to Challenging Behaviour and their club has not provided training that was ‘Fit for Purpose’, the club itself may well then be Negligent. If Club’s fail to identify risks that are ‘Reasonably Foreseeable‘ (Health and Safety at Work Act) then they may well be negligent and therefore liable.

Here at Behaviour In Sport, we have a combined experience of over 30 years of working with some of the most challenging young people, MORE importantly, we have developed training packages that provide practical solutions to the issues outlined above and regularly achieve significant increases in not only course participants knowledge, but more importantly, their CONFIDENCE.

This is achieved through a blend of the following:

  • Experiential Learning
  • Video Case Studies
  • Understanding violence and aggression and how to avoid it
  • Practical De-Escalation & Defusion Strategies
  • Understanding ‘professional’ boundaries (i.e. relationships, social media, mobile phone numbers etc)
  • Understanding the Law and being able to put challenging behaviour into a legal context

We are able to offer you the benefit of a careers worth of knowledge, skills and insights into understanding and appropriately responding to Challenging Behaviour.

What formats do the 'Behaviour in Sport' courses take?

Online Courses

Online behaviour courses for Individual coaches and Clubs alike.

The Online courses not only allow coaches to delve deeper into understanding the reasons for 'challenging behaviour', but more importantly demonstrate 'Actionable', 'Practical Strategies', 'Skills', 'Tips & Tricks' to manage even the most difficult of situations.


Instructor Led (face to face) Courses

The Instructor led courses offer Clubs the opportunity to allow their coaches to spend a day immersing themselves in understanding 'Challenging Behaviour'.

The courses are delivered by experienced trainers with a high degree of knowledge in relation to responding appropriately to behaviour that can range from either bewildering to dangerous.