What Every Sports Coach Should Know About HOW To Avoid Challenging Behaviour...
Does your Club work with young people who sometimes present behaviour that is either baffling, aggressive, confrontational or even dangerous? Have you come to the conclusion that your Club needs to take effective steps in order to protect itself from potential litigation issues? If not, we strongly urge you to consider this very real and growing issue.
Many of the Clubs that we have spoken to recently have either NEVER had any actual behaviour training, or, in a handful of cases they have been unfortunate enough to receive wholly inappropriate training from organisations that usually train Bouncers!
Challenging Behaviour can be one of the most difficult things to have to respond to and for a great many staff members it can also be extremely daunting. Often causing work related stress and potentially high levels of sick leave.
Without the correct training, it is just too easy for a coach to either become frustrated, or worse, potentially lose their cool with a youngster.
If you can relate to this problem, we have the solution.
The Instructor led courses offer Clubs the opportunity to take their 'Behaviour' training to the next level with huge benefit from the dynamic nature of the interactive learning, as well as the positive impact on understanding and information retention from the experiential exercises and video case studies.
All of the Behaviour in Sport courses have been designed to be easy to understand as well as the content, skills and strategies being simple to absorb and subsequently use whilst coaching.
Behaviour in Sport courses are the culmination of the teams experiences of over 30 years working with some of the most challenging young people in the 'Looked After' system. Many of the team are professionally qualified with most being qualified Social Workers who have also managed residential children's homes.
We have utilised the lessons learned and produced course content that not only answers the questions, it also ensures that the learning is suitably experiential so that by the end of the course, coaches feel as though the curtain has been pulled back and they have also received a host of new tools and strategies to actively apply during their day to day duties.
The following outlines the courses available:
The Level 1 Course covers a number of different areas and includes:
- Welcome & Introductions – Framing the Day
- Defining Challenging Behaviour (separating it from ‘normal’ teenage behaviour)
- Understanding Incidents
- Video ‘Case Studies’ that really allow the group to fully understand what is going on, including many of the subtle issues that are so easy to miss
- Primary Prevention Strategies (How to prevent challenging behaviour in the first place!)
- Understanding behavioural settings conditions and behavioural triggers
- Understanding Violence & Aggression (and HOW to avoid it)
- Effective ‘Communication Skills’ & what to avoid
- De-Escalation & Defusion Strategies (practical skills that Coaches can use once behaviour has triggered)
- Understanding the legal context and how not to bring the Club into disrepute
Who Is It For?
Sports Coaches!
Ideal for Football, Rugby, Hockey, Basketball and Tennis – or any sport where coaches work with young people who may display instances of ‘Challenging Behaviour’.
Ready To Find Out More?
Click the Orange Button below to instantly DOWNLOAD your own copy (PDF) of 'Behaviour Management for Sports Coaches' (it also includes prices!)